Spring Cleaning
March 20th officially marks the first day of spring (astrologically). And so the Equinox approaches with a haste that carries a big honkin' pile of Old Man Winter's left overs (please let them be left overs).
Time for spring cleaning, and I don't just mean clearing out the dust bunnies of the past year - nor is "spring forward" only meant for our time devices.
Spring cleaning is a time for cleansing ourselves of all the debris we've been hauling around over the winter. It's a time to take everything that's happened and put it into perspective so that we can move on towards spring with a vigor that only comes from this kind of mental recycling.
Take your experiences, learn from them, store what you need, and clear out the garbage. Put your life down on paper and devise/revise new goals for yourself. Be prepared, cause when the clouds clear and the darkness is lifted, you'll want to be right in step with freshness and fertility of the rest of the world.
Oh, and don't forget to clear out those old dust bunnies.