Kitchen Witch
What is a Kitchen Witch? (aka: Hearth and Home Witchery or Green Witchcraft)
During the time of persecution, Witches had to do their magic in secret, so the guise of dutiful wife and mother in the kitchen was the perfect way. Using the tools and objects commonly found around the home (the cauldron, the broom, etc.), the Kitchen Witch practices food magic, gardening/herbology, and crafting among other things. A lot of simple, practical spells and a whole lot of intent.
The home is the temple for Kitchen Witches, and homemade is fundamental - using the hands to create things with much love and intention. The Kitchen is the heart of the home, bringing happy memories of celebrations, mum's home cooking, the chicken soup she "conjured-up," and the medicinal tea when you were sick. And so, the Kitchen Witch uses magic in the kitchen the very same way it is used at any magic altar.
Adding love as an ingredient is a popular and powerful Kitchen Witch tool!
Recipes - A sound soul and a full belly
Tools Of A Kitchen Witch
Curious Blog. I like that thing about the palnta of aloe will see
MetalMrForever, at September 29, 2011