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Faery Oracle Readings

I've been reading cards over half my life and have found that sometimes when a situation seems muddled, the cards can provide some needed clarity.

I will not tell you the name of your future husband, or when you're going to die: I am not Miss Cleo, or a fraud for that matter. I will give you objective insight into your situation; what is going wrong and what can be done to attain the results you're seeking; what is coming up around the corner if you continue on this path, and other such guidance regarding your situation.

If you would like a Faery Oracle Reading, or have any questions about how a reading works, please email me at

Here are the different layouts to choose from including pricing:

Celtic Cross - 10 card reading - $20

The Celtic Cross layout is a ten card reading that tells you about the following aspects of the situation:

1. The basis of the situation - what the question is about
2. The obstacles - what is the major difficulty
3. The thoughts going through the person's head
4. The thing that will best help the person
5. The past of the situation
6. What's going to be happening soon in the situation
7. How you're feeling
8. The people and influences around the situation
9. The hopes and fears about the situation
10. The outcome of the situation

Past, Present, Future - 3 pile reading - $20

The Past, Present, Future layout uses three piles of cards:

Pile #1 tells you about the past of the situation
Pile #2 tells you about the situation at present
Pile #3 tells you about the future of the situation - what's going to happen.

Appropriate Action Layout (or best steps to take) - $20

The Appropriate Action layout uses the cards to tell you, step by step, what you need to do to arrive at your desired outcome.

Past, Present, Future - 3 card reading - $10

The Past, Present, Future layout uses three cards:

Card #1 tells you about the past of the situation
Card #2 tells you about the situation at present
Card #3 tells you about the future of the situation - what's going to happen.

One Card Reading - $5

Uses one card to answer a question.

If you would like a reading, please email me at
Please Choose

*For spiritual and entertainment purposes only - the future is always in your power to change*

Related Links:

World of Froud -
Voyages In A Coracle -


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