Money: A Love/Hate Relationship
This rant comes exclusively from the annoyance I have with money and the way the world seems to have gotten itself into such a pickle with the stuff that it seems we might be thrown out of orbit for lack of it.
I hate money, yet, without it I'd have a hell of a time living a "normal" life. Sure, you say, I could go live in the woods and eat berries... that might be plausible if not for the fact that no land is really "free" land anymore: it's all owned by someone and you'd get charged with trespassing fines or be sent to the looney bin once they found you up a tree in loin cloth chewing on raw bunny rabbit.
I hate money. Yet, without it I struggle... yet, I struggle with it nonetheless.
It's only in this day and age that people are in debt before they even finish college. Sure, we'll send you to school, but as soon as you're outta there we'll be on you till retirement.
I fear the world is too far gone to take a step back and realize, that hey, we can't take this green stuff with us when we go, so why do we place our value of it as number one priority while we're here?
My dreamy eyed solution to fixing the economy is to burn ever piece of tender in the world and start bartering and tithing again.
You need a new computer? Well got off your ass and strike up a deal with someone: say you're a massage artist - well trade massages for that computer. Works the same way with everything else, both products and services. Someone helped you out of the kindness of their heart to paint your living room or carry up your groceries? Reward them with some food! My theory is that with this method, things will run much more smoothly after some getting used to. Not to mention the fact that it would make people be more productive, and it would make things alot more fair.
But I digress, although I do believe this will happen a few thousand years down the road, I'm not so gullible, I know this is something that could never happen in my lifetime (not this one anyway).
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I wish this world wouldn't force me to value money more than so many other important things.
I guess it's a love/hate relationship, eh?