Mistress Of Fire
passionate, strong, confident, quick, and powerful...

Image (c)Denise Garner
I see great flames all around and I feel the heat and the fiery passion
South, male energy, projective energy, hot and dry; light and active, red and orange, To Will, lower-right point of pentagram, summer, noon, young adulthood, Celtic name: deas, athame; lamp; scourge, sex, healing, candle magick, force, energy, life, will, destruction, purification, change, lion, serpent, dragon, symbol: right side up triangle Δ, salamanders, sun, stars, volcanoes, the heart and spine, sight, action, life force, sexual energy, will, passion, courage, self-assertiveness, chivalry, enthusiasm, experience, virility, energy, daring, faith, self-centeredness, ruthlessness, fanaticism, vindictiveness, anger, hatred, stubbornness, greed, jealousy, vengefulness, resent, egoism, hotness, hyper-activeness, flitting thoughts, insomnia, domination, violence, The Temptress, change and transformation, intensity, urgency, desire, joy, panic, Sun, Mars, Jupiter.