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It's been a few days now since George W. Bush declared war against Iraq.
All I can think about now is how those families in Iraq are feeling as this is going on. Trying to put myself in their position as their lives are turned into upheaval. Knowing that there is no safe haven to escape to. Wondering why this is happening to us.
Confused, angry, afraid.

What would you tell your children? How would you protect them? How would you sleep with things like "Campaign Shock and Awe" going on in your backyard? Could you sleep at all?
Whose to blame for each and every person who dies in this petty, irresponsible, selfish, and criminal act of revenge?
What kind of message are we sending to our children? That it's okay to resolve your issues with others using violence?

There is so much to be said about what's going on in the world right now, that if I were to write about all of it, I don't think I'd have the motivation to get up in the morning.

Those of us who foresaw this as far back as before the last presidential election, and pleaded to others not to vote for Bush, are probably sitting here like me, frustrated that they couldn't do anything to prevent what is now happening: which is a huge calamity in our evolutionary process.
There are things going on behind the scenes of this that are watching us determine our future.

I'm too angry, upset, and frustrated that I as one person can't figure out much to do to help/effect what's going on.
As a writer, I can't even write a coherent piece about how I'm feeling!

President George W. Bush made a decision to ignore the United Nations decision, even if they were able to come to a non-violent resolution. Doesn't that make something in your head click?
Sadam Husein has not been a popular media figure since daddy was in office, and now all of the sudden, with Jr. in office, all we hear about is Sadam this and Sadam that.

George W. Bush has focused all of his presidential energy and power toward war: Don't the American people deserve a president who can resolve issues that are actually relevant?

George W. Bush has been deemed the "anti-christ" by many, and I don't think that's too far fetched considering. George W. Bush has given a different reason for his proposal to go to war almost every time I've heard him speak about it. Once it was because Sadam was supposedly hiding "weapons of mass destruction" - (the most used phrase of 2002), though there really was no proof of that. Once it was because of the ever infamous oil issues. And the last one I heard, the one he used the night he gave Sadam and his sons the ultimatum, was about trying to set the people of Iraq free of Sadam's leadership.
IMO, the reason George W. Bush can't make his mind up about why he's waged war, is because he personally has no reason.
He was put up to it.
It was planned out long before he set foot in the white house, and all that was needed was for him to win the election.

I've gone off into a rampage, not good. I'd just like to let everyone know that praying, sending out positive energy to the people of Iraq who are victims of this act of what I believe to be no different than the events of September 11, 2001, will help, because when it comes to the collective consciousness, there is no thought that does not effect everyone else in turn.

The human race is supposed to be a highly evolved creature that can comprehend and have compassion. I guess there are some of us who have a lot of catching up to do.
We, as a human race, are how old now? And we still can't settle our disagreements without blowing each other up?

Grow up.

You cannot fight fire with fire,

Marylin Houle.


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