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Open Letter To Cat Killers

"To understand the Power of the Animal Totems, one must first conceive that they are our Brothers and Sisters, that they are the messengers, emissaries and reflection of, the ~Great Spirit.~"

Dear people (and I call you dear because there is a certain amount of respect that is given to everyone out of a shared universal connection), too many times have I heard or read another gruesome story of an attack on a cat.
It’s happening more and more lately, and not that much is being done to put an end to this all to often act of animal cruelty.
Save for the few brave people who’ve been standing up for these defenseless creatures, these crimes, and I don’t use the word lightly, have been treated so nonchalantly that it almost seems the authorities are telling us this is okay.

This is not okay.

Killing an animal can be excused when survival is in question, but when torture, mutilation, and disregard for the animal comes into play, this becomes nothing short of cold-blooded murder.


I guess you people would never associate that awful word with the killing of a cat. After all, cats are just animals, and it’s our right as humans to kill all other creatures below us as we please…
I’m sure that’s an arguable concept, but killing for fun? Torturing a fellow creature that lives and breathes - feels and has a spirit?

You should be ashamed of yourself, and you know who you are.
Remember that just because our legal system is flawed, doesn’t mean you will get away with what you’ve done: The universe is fair, and always takes care to even out the scale of justice.

I want to tell you something about cats: Cats are sacred creatures for so many reasons.
Ancient Egyptians honored the cat as a sacred and powerful Goddess.

Did you know, that when a sacred circle is cast, the only creature (including humans) allowed to enter the circle without breaking it is the cat?

A huge chunk of the world’s domestic pets are cats. But do you know what it is to have a pet?
Pets aren’t just for decoration or our own entertainment, they’re our companions.
When an animal lives with a family, the animal becomes part of that family.
I’m trying to get across to you, how dear these animals really are. How to hear of a cat being subjected to some of the horror stories we hear so often, effects us just as much as if the victims of your hateful crimes were human beings.
Rightly so, for it should be considered and dealt with as equally wrong as it is when it’s a human’s life at stake.

Consider this letter a warning, that no crime goes unpunished, and that love, my friends, will always conquer hate.


Marylin Houle.

Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 18:25:01 EST
Subject: Cats

Mam, I am a cat hater, because I love to work in my yard in my flowers and cannot do so without rubber gloves. I have never killed a cat, but don't ever think its never crossed my mind. Being an old farm boy, I have killed a hundred Chickens or more, I have killed hogs, rabbits and squrrles and I might add they were mighty tasty. Mam, everytime you sit down to a good Steak Dinner, did it ever accur to you that that animal was murderd too?
I wish that a Law would go on the books that says if I catch a neighbors cat hunkerd up in my flower bed relieving himself , I would have the right to Blow his head off. just that simple!! In my Bible, Man is supposed to rule over Animals, not animals rule over man.
Mam, this is a cat haters opinion.

Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003
Re: Cats

Dear EWeaver28, having to work in your garden with rubber gloves is no reason to hate cats. Where do you think we went before toilets came around?
Killing anything should only be done for food, and we've got way more than enough of that at the grocery store.
I won't get into religion here, but if the bible says that God wanted us to rule over animals, I think he meant that he wanted us to take care of them - not kill them off.



Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 19:14:39 -0700
Subject: I HATE CATS

Killing cats should never be a crime. In fact, a person should get an award for taking out a cat.

Theses animals are annoying, smelly, and stupid. I am not an animal lover, I personally do not like any

animals. But I wouldnt kill any other animals just for the hell of it. But a cat I would kill in a heartbeat.
Unfortuneatley I have never had the oppurtunity to kill a cat , but you better believe that as soon as
I have the chance, that cat will be annihilated.

Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 06:49:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Cats


I have always loved cats as well as gotten along with them.

In Australia, they are killing off cats because of how many there are. People who live in Australia have cats, and if you live way out in the Outback, your kitty might wander off and be shot.

In my opinion, we may be endangering cats in a way. They are defenseless as you said, and what about dogs?

We have a lot of dogs in the world too. Why are we killing cats when there are dogs out there, attacking people.

Cats barely do anything. They almost always keep to themselves, not attacking anything unless they are attacked, or just for food.

These beloved creatures must have a say. We should be able to protect them from kitty killers.

Cats are often associated with witch's familiars which are often associated with the

devil. Maybe people still believe in witches (I'm not sure about this stuff, but I know that there are strange things out there), or maybe they are just scary.

Cats rule, cat killers drool.


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